

mardi 27 mai 2014

The Top Five Trending Photoshop Features Used In Marketing

By Bilal Amed

One of the best image editing software programs to have ever been created is Photoshop. The name Photoshop is actually used in reference to images that appear to be too good to be true, or representative of something that could not exist in reality. It is a software program that, if you are able to use it properly, can create amazing images that you can share with friends and family, or use for your business to generate more targeted traffic. In this article, we will look at the latest trending marketing uses for Photoshop, and why it is one of the best tools that you can use for your business today.

Easily, the most popular creative use of Photoshop is the creation of info-graphics. What are they? They are pieces of information that is rendered in graphic or picture form. In the past, webmasters posted information mostly in text form, however, most people don't read on the Internet, making it necessary to find new ways to deliver the message without boring the audience.

There are many ways to design an info-graphic using Photoshop and there are actually templates that you can use to copy-paste information to and upload to your website.

4. Actions - The recording of actions is done via the 'action creator' helping the graphic designer achieve a look without manually applying thousands of static images. This is highly convenient if you are trying to create a motion graphic.

Although Photoshop is typically associated with images, the use of video has slowly become one of the most profitable ways to generate online revenue. It can also be used to get foot traffic from those that find you online, and are willing to drive to your brick-and-mortar store to find out what you have to offer. Photoshop makes it very easy to create imagery for slideshows and videos that can be created with screen capture software, or by professionals that you hire. Integrating images with video using Photoshop, and the advancements that are to come, will help your business become more profitable this year.

Photoshop can be used to create a great banner for your website or your blog. If the design of your site is not original, adding a banner with your brand and some of your products would make a real difference. You can also use Photoshop to design other elements of your site, such as buttons or ads for your products.Do you spend money on ad space? If yes, you need to design some high quality ads to draw the attention of your target audience. Photoshop can be very handy if you display banner ads. You can for instance use the image editing software to create a collage of your product next to a happy customer.

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